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Day 28 - 01/28/2019


7.0 /10

The Grinch

Year: 2018

Directors: Yarrow Cheney, Scott Mosier

Writers: Michael LeSieur (screenplay), Tommy Swerdlow (screenplay), Dr. Seuss (based on the book "How The Grinch Stole Christmas")

Stars (voice): Benedict Cumberbatch, Cameron Seely, Rashida Jones, Pharrel Williams 

Worldwide Box-Office Gross: $270,397,335

Budget: $75,000,000 (estimated)

Country:France, China, Japan, United States

  3-D animating a Christmas live-action Jim Carrey classic can be risky, but The Grinch executes on a methodical and heartwarming fashion. Bringing a similar vibe to Despicable Me, this movie provides an alternative option for those that didn't live during its the original adaptation of Dr. Seuss' story. 


  The Grinch (Benedict Cumberbatch) hates Christmas, ever since his childhood, and when discovering this year's celebration at the village of Whoville will be three times as great, he can't help himself but bring it down to the ground. Meanwhile, Cindy-Lou Who (Cameron Seely) has the perfect wish for this holiday, though is convinced that she has to tell Santa Claus about it personally, due to its grandiose importance. 


  The best part about The Grinch  that many animated films get caught up on is how not many protagonists are needed. In this case, there are only two characters, each living their life on their side of the world but are so tightly connected and built up towards the finale, that the tale is not only convincing but also inspiring. Behind his exterior evil side, clues are given through the film that the Grinch is not a truly bad person, and that even his bad attitudes have a somewhat comprehensible justification. The visuals, a mix of lively colors and smooth animation made the ride even more fluid, something that just makes even the adults enjoy the ride to the big screen. Additionally, the pros section can't end without a mention of the superb soundtrack, specifically "You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch"!


  Cons are mainly composed by the lack of a classic feel. Despite it being an easy watch, there are not many moments that catch our attention and leave us thinking as its apparent inspiration, Despicable Me. This roller coaster that is to be expected from the all-time best such as The Lion King or Wall-E is not attached to Mr. Grinch, leaving it obvious as a safe move as seen from its counterparts that were successful. 


  As a reminder, being an easy watch is not something to be proud of necessarily. It probably means your movie was good, maybe even served its purpose, but lacked the "roller coaster" effect, most likely due to lack of risks. This is how The Grinch can be best described, a simple movie with a solid 7.0 out of 10 stones. 

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