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Day 52 - 02/21/2019

Mean Girls

8.0 /10

Year: 2004

Director: Mark Waters

Writers: Tina Fey (screenplay), Rosalind Wiseman (based on the novel "Queen Bees and Wannabes")

Stars: Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert, Amanda Seyfried, Jonathan Bennett

Worldwide Box-Office Gross: $129,042,871

Budget: $17,000,000 (estimated)

Country: United States, Canada

  AMAZING, it truly shows how when you have good side characters the main character suddenly has waay more meaning, even minor side characters have their own development, the way of thinking of the main character is also super interesting,  some concepts are comedcly depicted and sorta exagerated but witha  grain of truth, the interactions between characters are great and it's  an actually well executed take on a simple premise. 

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